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Loretto quater party on 12. September in Tübingen

Notice of a further astronomical concert.

On August 12. September 2015 in Tübingen in the framework of the Festival of Loretto at 16:15 in the suburban theater.

As every year on the last Saturday in the Baden-Württemberg summer 2015 so on 12. September, one of our favorite and most likeable district festivals in Tübingen will take place: the Lorettofest. And here the program as a PDF.

And since our concert during the last year’s Lorettofest has made pleasure the audience on more of them, so it was worn to us anyway, we are pleased that we have been invited to give another concert to the best astronomical. Start is at 16:15 in the suburban theater. The theatre’s program is also available as PDF.

And before and after the concert there are not only more musical and cultural, but also culinary delights.  Now, only the weather must be. 🙂

Cordial invitation.
