- September 12, 2015: Loretto Fest in Tübingen in the Vorstadt-Theater, Modul 1: Sun, Moon and Stars
- January 2016: Bruno’s Kleinkunstbühne at Club Voltaire Tübingen, Modul 1: Sun, Moon and Stars
- Spring 2016: Starkenburg Sternwarte near Heppenheim, Modul 2: Black Holes
- September 23, 2016, Modul 3: Rosetta & Philae, Bürgerhaus in Nehren
As in 2014, Nikolai organizes an Astronomical Concert on Friday, as well as a „Long Night of Stars“ on Saturday September 24, 2015 at a nearby meadow with a bunch of telescopes for everyone to see the stars and planets. In cooperation with Kultur Forum in Nehren and the OGV, both Nehren as well as the Astronomical Institute in Tübingen.
- Club Voltaire Frankfurt, Modul 1: Sun, Moon and Stars
- A Benefit Concert for the Friends of St. Camille, venue not defined yet, Modul 1: Sun, Moon and Stars
- Marci Panis in Amsterdam, Circus Boost
- D.A.I. Tübingen
- FranzK, Reutlingen
- In cooperation with the Bruderhausdiakonie Reutlingen a Concert in plain language, maybe also in cooperation with the Experimentalorchester Salto Vogelscheuche, former known as Halle 016
- Filmfest Ballmersthofen
- …
So far:
- October 11, 2013 Long Night of Stars organized by the Kultur Forum in Nehren, Modul 1: Sun, Moon and Stars
- April 4, 2014 Werkstatthaus in Tübingen, Modul 1: Sun, Moon and Stars
- September 13, 2014 Vorstadttheater in Tübingen at the Lorettofest, Modul 1: Sun, Moon and Stars
- January 24, 2015 Bruno’s Kleinkunstbühne at the Club Voltaire in Tübingen, Modul 2: Black Holes
- April 28, 2015 Starkenburg Sternwarte close to Heppenheim, Modul 1: Sun, Moon and Stars
See also Press Articles